As a HOTBINer (or would be HOTBINer) you will know it’s often the high days and holidays that mean we generate more waste than usual. And, with Christmas around the corner just remember your HOTBIN is ready to devour your leftover food waste.
We are all becoming more and more aware of the need to not waste food. And the focus on waste is particularly relevant during the festive season. More dinner parties, definitely more cooking and therefore more food waste.
But fear not, HOTBIN can handle lots of material. You can put all delivery boxes, gift wrap papers (with no plastic) paper plates and paper napkins in your HOTBIN. Do remember to cut these into small enough pieces to allow for unrestricted airflow.
Those cocktail sticks from your cheese and Viande séchée can be broken up and put into the HOTBIN too (just bear in mind that wood-based items are slower to compost), Cinnamon sticks and berries are easily composted, and citrus fruit and peel also be added.
So how does the magic happen? HOTBIN is a neat, insulated composter that just loves to take your kitchen and waste. As long as things are put in in bite sized chunks HOTBIN devours them all and with a little help (shredded paper & woodchips) added to aid airflow – will compost it all in 90 days. The only time you may need to help is during cold weather and a warm kick-start water bottle does the trick.
We think every home needs a HOTBIN. We all need to think about doing our bit for the environment. HOTBIN makes it easy and also produces wonderful compost as a result. A product that goes on to feed your garden.
Happy Holidays!